Monday, March 9, 2009

And awaaaaaay we go!

My running total for 2009 weddings is
(DRUM ROLL****here)......$1,950.

I've yet to actually attend any.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Fianced by Facebook

It's an epidemic...fianced by facebook. It's those distance friends, the ones you only disclose your all night benders to through a photo montage. Your "friend" who you initialed befriended in 2005 because you needed people to populate your friend tally. And there on the news feed - engaged.
Do you congratulate them or duck behind your desk hoping they don't see you. Because if they see you they may re-engage in communication. Is it just me, or do people reach out after they get engaged...maybe they are trying to up their wedding friend tally. I prefer to be hired as a wedding seat filler, not fake friended. Umph!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Strippers and Champagne

I have heard that it is the bride's objective to ensure that her ladies in waiting falter in comparison to said bride on her day. So I ask you: why are most of the bridesmaid dress models strippers and Fredrick's of Hollywood rejects?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Living on the edge

I had a conversation with the bridal dress "lady". We were instructed to give her our measurements and in turn she assigns you a dreaded number (aka a dress size). Apparently they round up when you are on the easement of one size vs. another. Maybe I don't want to be rounder or rounded up. Maybe I intend to lose those last 5 pounds, the ones that I've intended to lose for the last 5 years and the last 5 weddings I was in - maybe...

When we were in school rounding up was a good thing, it equalled more. I despise rounding up now.

Monday, March 2, 2009

My newest club

Facebook: My Friends Are Getting Married. I'm Just Getting Drunk.

She's a Brick...houuussee.

Like ever other LDBm (Long Distance Bridesmaid), I too had to call in my numbers; the numbers you keep more secret than you Social Security numbers. You can have my identity (credit's not that good anyway), but never my waist to hip ratio.

I think from now on I'm just going to hold the phone up to speakers while playing The Commodores. I wonder what size a 36-24-36 gets you...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Giving it up for Lent

So I have this friend...we'll call her Zena.
Zena is in the same boat as me, attending (or being in) weddings is our new pastime; we typically work the circuit together. She's a great gal (and friend) with a lot going for her: good job, her own place, in a relationship...

Zena's always ready - always the first one ready to go, her monogramed bakeware is ready to be cooked in, her ring file ready to be shopped from. That's right Zena has a ring file, but it is how she lives...she's just "ready". However, her readiness is not met.

Her preparedness trickles into all things weddings and quickly progresses to babies and so follows her conversations. Most conversations hit the following topics: wedding, wedding shower, babysitting, babies, where's my wedding?

Zena is different though...she realized her "readiness" was taking over her life. So for Lent, my dear Zena gave up wedding speak - she vows to no longer speak of weddings regarding how they could/do relate to her. Similar to a 12 Step program, my gal is kicking the habitual female habit to long for what surrounds you.

Let's hope she does better than Lindsey Lohan.